Copenhagen sightseeing
Popular attractions in Copenhagen
What are you planning to see on your next holiday in Copenhagen? Let us guide you through our list of exciting events and attractions in Copenhagen, so that you can be fully updated. Here we will give you an idea about what is happening in Copenhagen, information about different attractions and inspiration to popular and interesting must-try experiences when you visit Copenhagen. First trip to Copenhagen? If so, you have every right to be excited. The city is authentic and urban with all that you could wish for: gourmet, the amusement park Tivoli Gardens, shopping, sightseeing, relaxation, architecture, biking, green oases, and much more. For those of you who are familiar with the more traditional sights and want to see something new, something not everyone knows about, Copenhagen offers many hidden experiences. We have found them for you and you can read more about them on this page.
You can also find more detailed information about each attraction and about the city's endless possibilities at Visit Copenhagen.
Inspiration and facts about Copenhagen
About Wakeup Copenhagen – close to the city sights
Have you not yet booked a hotel room for your stay in Copenhagen? Then the Wakeup Copenhagen hotels are an obvious choice - whether you are away alone, with your partner, your friends or family. The hotels have a very central location and are one of the absolute best starting points to experience the city's many offers and attractive sights.
Wakeup Copenhagen are new, smart, minimalist and architecturally beautiful budget hotels - designed by the renowned Danish architect Kim Utzon. Anyone with a penchant for design will enjoy staying at one of the 3 hotels in central Copenhagen. If you are visiting Aarhus, you will find another Wakeup Copenhagen hotel in the center of Aarhus.
Are you considering a short trip to the city, close to sights, city life, places to eat and shopping? Or are you going to a conference and need a place to stay overnight? At the Wakeup Copenhagen hotels, the smart and functional design creates the perfect setting for a fantastic hotel stay.
Close to the hotels, you will find some of the most famous tourist attractions in Copenhagen: Tivoli, Strøget and Rådhuspladsen. In addition to the hotels being close to sights and shopping opportunities, they are also close to Copenhagen's canals and Islands Brygge. An area that especially in the summer offers many outdoor experiences with harbor baths, canal cruises, kayak rentals, concerts and events. The wakeup base is the best in town if you want a central location, low daily rates and a high level of quality.
Look forward to experiencing Copenhagen and book your accommodation at one of the Wakeup Copenhagen hotels today.
Our hotels in Copenhagen

Wakeup Copenhagen, Bernstorffsgade
Cool and modern budget hotel in Copenhagen – close to Tivoli Gardens, the central station and the cool city area of Vesterbro.
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Wakeup Copenhagen, Borgergade
Cool and modern budget hotel in Copenhagen – close to attractions and shopping in the chic part of the city.
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Wakeup Copenhagen, Carsten Niebuhrs Gade
Cool and modern budget hotel in Copenhagen – close to the Tivoli Gardens and Tivoli Congress Center.
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